Monday, July 29, 2024

2024: Index K

 Kabat-Zinn, Jon

"Maybe the fear is that

we are less than 

we think we are,

when the 

actuality of it 

is that we are much, much more."

Kerouac, Jack

"On soft Spring nights I'll stand in the yard under the stars -- Something good will come out of all things yet -- And it will be golden and eternal just like that -- There's no need to say another word." (07/13/2023)

Kewley, Michael

"Here is the Dharma: You will not know your delusions until you awaken from them."

Khan, Hazrat Inayat

"Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence."

Kierkegaard, Soren

"There are two ways to be fooled.  One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true."  (04/25/2023)

King, Winston L. 

"Zen, as a spiritual discipline ... is consistently opposed to rigidity.  ... Fixity is death; fluidity is life."  (10/31/2023)

Kinnell, Galway

"How many nights must it take

one such as me to learn

that we aren't, after all, made

from that bird that flies out of its ashes

that for us 

as we go up in flames, our one work


to open ourselves, to be

the flames?"

Kornfield, Jack

"The basic principle of spiritual life is that our problems become the very place to discover wisdom and love."  (02/25/2023)

"There is a sign outside a casino in Las Vegas that says, "You must be present to win."  The same is true in meditation.  If we want to see the nature of our lives, we must actually be present, aware, awake."  (10/18/2023)

"Whatever your difficulties -- a devastated heart, financial loss, feeling assaulted by the conflicts around you, or a seemingly hopeless illness -- you can always remember that you are free in every moment to set the compass of your heart to your highest intentions ... In fact, the two things that you are always free to do -- despite your circumstances -- are to be present and to be willing to love." 

Kosho Uchiyama

"Pure religion ... is the attitude of discovering the life within the self that is connected to all things.  It means aiming at manifesting the life of each and every encounter, and seeing all of these encounters as our own life." 

Krishnamurti, Jiddu

"It is love alone that leads to right action.  What brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will."  (10/02023)7

"We never see anything completely ... We never see a tree, we see the tree through the image that we have of it, the concept of that tree; but the concept, the knowledge, the experience, is entirely different from the actual tree."  (05/05/2023)

Kundera, Milan

"The Greek word for "return" is nostos.  Algos means "suffering."  So nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return." (03/22/2023)



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