Monday, July 29, 2024

2024: Index C

 Camus, Albert - A00012

"For if there is a sin against life, it consists in perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life." 

Castillo, Roger - A00020

"Happiness is not to be found in love or pleasure, but in peace of mind."  (05/06/2023)

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche - A00021

"Time is very precious.  Do not wait until you are dying to understand your spiritual nature.  If you do it now, you will discover resources of kindness and compassion you didn't know you had.  It is from this mind of intrinsic wisdom and compassion that you can truly benefit others ... Moment by moment, we should look at life as if it were a dream unfolding ... In this relaxed, more open state of being, we have the opportunity to gain the infallible means of dying well, which is recognition of our absolute nature."

Chah, Ajahn - A00001

"You are your own teacher.  Looking for teachers, can't solve your own doubts.  Investigate yourself to find the truth -- inside, not outside.  Knowing yourself is most important."

Chao-Chou - A00042

"In this life, if I meet an old person of eighty or ninety years, experienced in the Dharma, who needs to learn something from me, I will teach.  And if I meet a young girl of seven years who has something to teach me, I will sit at her feet and learn."  (10/24/2023)

Chinese Proverbs - A00022 

"If we don't change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going."

Chuang-tzu (Zhuang Zhou) - A00023

"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free.  Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing.  This is the ultimate."

"If you have insight, you use your inner eye, your inner ear, to pierce to the heart of things, and have no need of intellectual knowledge."  (08/26/2023)

Church, Francis P.harcellus - A00024

"Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world." 

Cohen, Leonard - A00043

"Roshi said something nice to me one time.  He said that the older you get, the lonelier you become, and the deeper the love you need.  Which means that this hero that you're trying to maintain as the central figure in the drama of your life -- this hero is not enjoying the life of a hero.  You're exerting a tremendous maintenance to keep this heroic stance available to you, and the hero is suffering defeat after defeat.  And they're not heroic defeats; they're ignoble defeats.  Finally, one day you say, "Let him die -- I can't invest any more in this heroic position."  From there, you just live your life as if it's real -- as if you have to make decisions even though you have absolutely no guarantee of any of the consequences of your decisions." (10/04/2023)

Connors, Philip - A00025

"The greatest gift of life on the mountain is time.  Time to think or not think, read or not read, scribble or not scribble -- to sleep and cook and walk in the woods, to sit and stare at the shapes of the hills, I produce nothing but words; I consume nothing but food, a little propane, a little firewood.  By being utterly useless in the calculations of the culture at large I become useful, at last, to myself."  (05/26/2023)

Crowfoot (Chief of the Siksika First Nation) - A00031

"What is life?  It is the flash of a firefly in the night.  It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.  It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset."  (08/23/2023)

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