Parker, Charlie
"Master your instrument. Master the music, and then forget all that bullsh*t and just play!" (01/24/2022)
Peck, M. Scott
"The journey of life is not paved in Tarmac: it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness."
Phillips, Bernard
"In Zen, the effort and the result are not two different things, the means and the goal are not separated, the finding occurs in the very seeking itself. For ultimately, what is sought is the wholeness of the seeker, and this emerges only in the wholeheartedness of the seeking." (01/24/2024)
"The face of the wise man is not somber or austere, contracted by anxiety and sorrow, but precisely the opposite: radiant and serene, and filled with a vast delight, which often makes him the most playful of men."
Philo of Alexandria
""Today" means boundless and inexhaustible eternity. Periods of months and years and of time in general are ideas of men, who calculate by number; but the true name of eternity is Today." (03/30/2023)
Pirke Avot (The Sayings of the Jewish Fathers) - A00107
Seek not greatness for thyself, and court not honor; let thy works exceed thy learning; and crave not after the table of kings; for thy table is greater than theirs, and thy crown is greater than theirs, and thy Employer is faithful to pay thee the reward of thy work.
"To attend to creation is to attend to God.
"To attend to the moment is to attend to eternity." (03/25/2024)
Plath, Sylvia
"Go out and do something. It isn't your room that's a prison, it's yourself."
"The stars are like letters which inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. Everything in the world is full of signs. All events are coordinated. All things depend on each other; as has been said: "Everything breathes together." (12/07/2023)
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